The blind ones and the matter
of the elephant

Beyond Ghor there was a city. All its inhabitants were blind. A king with his entourage arrived near by: he brought his army and camped in the desert. He had a mighty elephant, which he used in attack and to increase the people's awe.
     The populace became anxious to see the elephant, and some of them from among this blind community ran like fools to find it.
     As they did not even know the form or shape of the elephant the groped sightlessly, gathering information by touching some part of it.
     Each thought that he knew something, because he could feel a part.
     When they returned to their fellow-citizens eager groups clustered around them. Each of these where anxious, misguidedly, to learne the truth from those who where themselves astray.
     They asked about the form, the shape of the elephant: and listened to all that they were told.
     The man whose hand had reached an ear was asked about the elephant's nature. He said: "It is a large, rough thing, wide and broad, like a rug."
     And the one who had felt the trunk said: "I have the real facts about it. It is like a straight and holllow pipe, awful and destructive."
     The one who had felt its feet and legs said: "It is mighty and firm, like a pillar."
     Each one had felt one part out of many. Each had perceived it wrongly. No mind knew all: knowledge is not the companion of the blind. All imagined something, something incorrect.
     The created is not informed about divinity. There is no Way in the this science by means of the ordinary intellect.

From "Tales of the dervishes" by I. Shah

